As long-time Gulf Coast residents, Jim’s family knows how to prepare for a hurricane. They have storm shutters, food storage, spare batteries, lanterns, a generator, and other essentials. They track storms in dry-erase ink on a laminated map in their utility room while methodically going about preparations.
One of the family’s most prized possessions is their sailboat, and they prepare it with as much care as they prepare their home. An essential component of this preparation is the storm anchor.
It is essential to anchor deep before a storm, because the deeper waters are less turbulent than those at the surface. Tying the boat off on piers that surround it is only an illusion of safety, because those piers may not survive the storm. The true stability and staying power in a storm is to anchor deep in the calmer depths while the storm rages all around.

And fearing that we might run on the rocks, they let down four anchors from the stern and prayed for day to come.
Acts 27-29 ESV
The Apostle Paul knew a thing or two about sailing and storms at sea. He survived more than one shipwreck, as recorded in the book of Acts. And while this casting of anchors may have not been meant as a metaphor, it serves as a solid object lesson for us.
We are surrounded by turbulence. Sometimes we have a warning that it is coming, and sometimes it catches us off guard. We find out quickly that if we tie our ropes to the worldly and visible things that surround us, they will often fail us. There is always the risk that they won’t survive the storm.

Our hope is to anchor deep in God’s truth and promises. Our hope is to trust the Savior who showed that He can walk on the water (Matthew 14) and calm the storm (Mark 4).
Being a believer does not mean we will never have problems. On the contrary, Jesus promises us that the storms will come:
…In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33 ESV
Further, God promises to be with us in our troubles:
“fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God…”
Isaiah 41:10 ESV
He promises to be with us as we pass through the waters. (Isaiah 43:2)
We have a God who cares for us, a Savior who walked this earth in human flesh and knows our fears and needs. We have an incredibly long list of promises He has given us, available to us in His Word, the Bible.

He calls upon us to hold tight to these promises and anchor deep within them. Our very faith in Him provides the necessary depth to weather the storms that will invariably come again and again:
“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure…”
Hebrews 6:19
Lord, guide us in building a solid faith in You and in Your promises, and give us the wisdom to anchor deep when the storms of life come our way!
In Our Savior I Try my best To Trust!
Good Points
Thank you so much, this is exactly what I needed to hear today! God bless you
I do read these daily brief lesson reminders that help me to stay the course of my faith in Christ. Anytime I waiver in this, God has a way of getting my attention and pulling me back on course! Only my anchor in Christ holds against the raging storms of life in the here & now! Thanks!
I, obviously a previously, somewhat lost, uninformed, morally unprincipled, ignorant soul,have been married twice to believers, (my second as a converted believer myself). They however obviously not having felt loved &/or not had their ‘needs’, met- thus having grossly betrayed the relationship! My current marriage, though rather stormy at times cv due to personality differences- strong will/power/ego issues, has survived 27 years! My question is, “Are enduring relationships a miracle, &/or will/do they succeed only if both parties understand loyalty and commitment?
this is a powerful message. have faith and trust in our powerful God. Never forget the gift our Savior Jesus gave to us. Just believe and trust.