Their boat was being violently tossed, and the disciples were terrified. They’d had fine weather when they set out for the other side of the lake, but the wind blew in unexpectedly and one of the squalls that the lake was famous for rushed down with vengeance. Waves...
My friend Steven enjoyed a season of dubious fame. Some people were bold enough to come right up to him and ask for an autograph or a selfie. Others were a little shyer, but he could always spot them pointing him out or trying to work up the courage to come and talk...
Have you ever felt pure joy? Those moments are wonderful, if fleeting—the birth of a new baby, the wedding day of dear friends, a hard-earned graduation from high school. Joy is an emotion that we love to experience, and one that we long for when times are hard....
I hate to wait. Being patient is something that everyone struggles with from time to time, but for some of us it can be a real battle! When I see the finish line I want to run right for it, finish the race and then move on to the next thing. And when something slows...
The great men of the Bible took time to themselves for prayer and reflection with the Father. Following their example, Many Christians have “quiet time” to begin or end the day: times to reflect, study scripture, or simply sit in the presence of God. There are many...
Have you ever taken a moment to think about rest? It might sound like an odd suggestion, but taking a moment to consider the way you view rest—and the way that God sees it—could be life-changing! We live in a very production-oriented culture. Although it may not be...