The great saga of the exodus from Egypt is often cited as among the most well-known and beloved stories of the Bible. It is a story of vividly-told miracles, deliverance from a cruel pharaoh, and miraculous Godly provision. It is a foundation story of the nation that would bring us Jesus.
Thus all the work of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting was finished, and the people of Israel did according to all that the Lord had commanded Moses; so they did.
Exodus 39:32 ESV
Yet the story is not without its hard parts: desert life, endless complaining, and outlandish rebellion. We are shocked as time after time, people doubt God’s provision and turn to false worship. The counterpoints to these dark events are amazingly long and detailed explanations for the construction of the tabernacle.
The narrative alternates between these elaborate details and the backdrop of ongoing disobedience. As readers, we begin to wonder how the tabernacle would ever get built, and how anyone would get out of that desert unpunished and alive!

However, through all the disobedience and idolatry, there was always a remnant that stayed obedient. They followed God’s instructions for the construction of the temple implements and the tabernacle. There is no record of any of them doubting, stealing a little excess gold, or disobeying the instructions.
Any of us could look at the instructions God gives for the construction of the tabernacle and see how overwhelming that task might be to the average person – most of us have enough trouble following directions for ready-to-assemble furniture!
But they did it. They trusted God when He said that He would give them the skills and the knowledge. They pressed forward, and relying wholly on God-given skill, crafted the holy implements, tools, and furniture that would serve in the temple for centuries to come.

Through it all, through the darkness and confusion, despite being surrounded by people who would never let go of evil, there were obedient and Godly ones. There were people who took a hold of what God had revealed to them through His miracles, and never let go. Seen through this lens, Exodus suddenly becomes more tangible and less enigmatic.
We live in a world where children are still sacrificed, but we have changed the names of the idols. Pharaohs still rule, but their titles are different. Golden calves may not be so common, but scratch the surface of so many false things, and that same rebellious spirit is apparent.
The good news is that there are still people who hear and obey, people whose hearts are attuned to God’s leading, people who use their lives to create something beautiful and holy in service to the Lord. Thank you Lord for this fresh message of encouragement and hope in Your Word!
So very true today as it was then we are so caught up with money and personal affairs we have lost touch with what god has promised us if we stay the course I pray people wake up soon or as then I fear god will wipe the slate just as he’s done before
Thank God for the age of Grace & not the Law. We have the Holy Spirit on the inside of us to bring us through all trials, teaching, leading. So that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
We are in the end days . The signs are all here. We ARE living in the days of Noah . The new false idol of our time is cell phones and the rebellion of this time IS the spirit of the Antichrist. People are now lovers of self and say evil is good and good is evil ! People need to wake up , the Lord’s return is right at the door !
Those instructions for a righteous life have not changed from those given to Abraham, Gen. 18:19 righteousness (Strongs # 6666 tsedawkaw) and judgement (Strongs #4941 mishpawt). Mal. 3:6 I am Yehovah ,I change not; Heb. 13:8 Yashua Messiah the same yesterday, and today, and forever. John 16:8 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin , and of righteousness, and of judgement: Are you the seed of Abraham? Gal. 3:26-29 John 8:39They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Yashua saith unto them, If ye wereAbraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham. Are you Saved with the same saved of Jude 1:5, only to perish in the wilderness? Walk in ‘TRUTH’ each day. Psa. 119:142 …thy torah is the truth. Psa. 19 :7 The torah of Yehovah is perfect (8549 tawmeem ) converting the soul:
The truth does not need moderation, you either hear it and obey or you have the spirit of Isa. 29:10 For Yehovah hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep,
When tragedy happens over and over again, why do crowds light candles and stand in silence for loss loved ones, then turn their backs on God the very next day? What is their alternative for a reaction to a tragedy if not praying to our Lord and following Him? They have no alternative and thus evil continues to rule. Let us fight back with being examples of God’s love and expressing that love to those who haven’t reached out to Him. Lives can change, the violent culture can change, if only they truly want it to. For all who have lost loved ones, may you be blessed with the message of God’s love this Holiday Season and may you embrace that love with an understanding of why we celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.
Where in scripture is Christmas a holiday that should even be observed?
Observing the birth of Christ is what Christmas is all about. No one knows for sure when He was born although some schools of thought are that his birth day was somewhere in the month of September, we do not know for sure. The fact of the matter is that we honour our Saviour and the time of Christmas is just that, honouring His birth into this world and for His choosing to come and live as a man among us to show and teach us the truth.
Where in scripture does it say we even have to observe his birth date?
I am interested in knowing which truth.